Universal case converter

This tool allows you to convert blocks of text into any case, witch you can copy back to your own document.

Convert Case: Copy Text, Paste in the Box, Click Your Option and Get It in the Way You Want:



How it works

This Online Convert Case Converter helps you to convert the selected text into any Case. This Online convert case Converter is designed in such way to ease your work by providing most of the alternatives in one single click. In simple words, this web application helps to change the Case of selected text in different ways i.e. CAPITALISE LETTERS to small letters, small letters to CAPITALISE LETTERS, Capitalize the first letter of each sentences.


All you need to do is, just copy the text which you need to convert and paste it in the given box, then change it to whatever Case you want. You can also download the final version of your converted text in text format or just copy it to clipboard and directly paste it to your document.


Additionally you can also check the Character Count as well as Word Count of your text, just below the box. As already said, to ease your work, apart from Case conversion it also facilitates few additional options such as Restore, Hyphen_case, Underscore etc.

Let us have a closer look on each option available to you:

This Online Convert Case Converter helps you to convert the selected text into any Case. This Online convert case Converter is designed in such way to ease your work by providing most of the alternatives in one single click. In simple words, this web application helps to change the Case of selected text in different ways i.e. CAPITALISE LETTERS to small letters, small letters to CAPITALISE LETTERS, Capitalize the first letter of each sentences.

Upper Case

As the name suggests, this converts your blocks of text into CAPITALISE LETTERS (i.e) Upper case letter or alphabet.


Lower Case

As the name suggests, this converts your blocks of text into small letters. (i.e) lower case letter or alphabet.

(“this is an example of lower case in use.”)

Sentence Case

This converts the first letter of each sentence into CAPITALISE LETTERS and rest into small letters.

(“This is an example of sentence case in use.”)

Title Case

This converts the first letter of each word into CAPITALISE LETTERS except functional words like prepositions, conjunctions, and articles.

(“This is an Example of Title Case in Use.”)

Captilize Case

This converts the first letter of all words into CAPITALISE LETTERS or Uppercase Letter.

(“This Is An Example Of Capitalized Case In Use.”)


This converts CAPITALISE LETTERS into small letters and small letters into CAPITALISE LETTERS.



This gives you the complete reverse form of your blocks of text. The last word of entire text will become the first word and it also reverses the letters of each word.

(“.esu ni esac rewol fo elpmaxe na si sihT”)


his helps you to insert HYPHEN (-) between all the words. If don't need Hyphen, click again, get the text without Hyphen.



This helps you to insert UNDERSCORE (_) between all the words. If don't need Underscore, click again, get the text without Underscore.


Alternating Case

Lower case of what would normally be a capital, first letter, in a sentence. The following letter will then always be the opposite case of the previous letter.

tHiS Is aN ExAmPlE Of aLtErNaTiNg cAsE In uSe.

Copy to Clipboard

Once you get your work done, you can simply copy the converted text by clicking this option and paste back to your document.

Download Text

Once you get your work done, you can download the converted text in your notepad.

Find and Replace

Have you mistakenly used a text or misspelled a word which has multiple occurrences? Here is a one-shot solution wherein you could replace the misspelt or any text of your choice in the clipboard, by keying it in the “Find” textbox with the appropriate text provided in the “Replace” textbox.

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